I'm Joel Kim.

I'm a junior at Northwestern University studying Computer Science and Data Science, and I'm passionate about machine learning, software engineering, and all things data.

This website is a little peek into my work life. Enjoy!

Joel Kim

My Projects

Project 3

Spotify Playlist Quiz

A full-stack web app for a ”Guess the Song” quiz dynamically generated based on the user’s account.

REST APIs Flask MongoDB
Project 3

Airbnb Price Predictor

A machine learning model to predict Airbnb prices using pandas and scikit-learn to reduce RMSE by over 60%. The final model employed stacking ensembling with gradient boosted models and a RidgeCV meta-model to optimize predictive performance.

Pandas Machine Learning Scikit-learn
Project 3

Digit Recognizer

Three neural networks using NumPy, PyTorch, then ResNet-18, achieving 94%, 97%, and 99% accuracies.

PyTorch Neural Network

My Experience

June 2024 - Aug. 2024

Software Engineering Intern

Chamberlain Group

Sep. 2023 - June 2024

Data Visualization Analyst

Northwestern University

April 2023 - Sep. 2023

Software Research Intern

Northwestern University

Sports Betting

Sports betting, or sports trading, is a fascinating and complex industry. On one hand, it’s a predatory market where sportsbooks profit off the losses of the average bettor. On the other, it's a market where those who approach it analytically can find inefficiencies and edges.

Over the past three years, I’ve gone on a long journey with sports betting. I’ve tested countless strategies, conducted extensive research, and engaged in discussions with peers, all while wagering tens of thousands of dollars.

I could talk about it for hours, but below is a view into my profit/loss over time, and some of the strategies I've used over the years.

Winning Graph

A snapshot of my profit/loss trends over time.

Strategies I've employed:

  • Tailing Cappers: The starting point for many bettors copying bets from others, extremely dependant on who the bets come from.
  • News Updates: Placing bets based on anticipated news events or reacting quickly to breaking news to capitalize on market shifts, moderate variance.
  • Arbitrage: Exploiting pricing discrepancies between sportsbooks to generate risk-free profits, no real variance.
  • Positive Expected Value (+EV): Placing bets where statistical probabilities favor long-term profitability, moderate variance.
  • Correlated Parlays: Constructing multi-leg bets with interrelated events to maximize hidden value, higher variance.

My Interests


I took up speedcubing as a hobby, and it has become a great way to clear my mind between work sessions.

Current Cubes

  • MoYu Super RS3 M 2022 3x3
    MoYu Super RS3 M 2022 3x3
    Single: 26.52s
    Ao5: 33.30s
  • QiYi M Pro 2x2
    QiYi M Pro 2x2
    Single: 9.62s
    Ao5: 14.21s

Board Games

My family and I are avid board game players. I've grown to love both the strategic and social aspects.

Current Favorites

  • Wingspan Game Wingspan
  • Sushi Go Party! Sushi Go Party!
  • Splendor Game Splendor

Music Albums

I have a deep enjoyment of music, specifically whole albums. I also recently built an album wall in my room.

Some Favorites

  • Don't Forget About Me Demos Don't Forget About Me Demos
  • For Emma, Forever Ago For Emma, Forever Ago
  • Section 80 Section 80